Expert Garage Services
in Wymondham & surrounding areas
MOT preparation and vehicle repairing services by Wicklewood Auto Centre

We are specialists in auto servicing for 4x4 cars and Land Rovers. No matter what make and model of car you have, we can offer you efficient vehicle recovery, bodyworks, MOT preparations and more.
Our garage services include:
Comprehensive vehicle servicing and repairs
For any make and model of cars 4x4 and light commercial vehicles.
MOT preparation and MOT’s obtained
MOT repairs
Comprehensive Computer Diagnostics
Fault finding and testing, engine management light, service reset, component coding, ABS, air bag, keys and much more.
Brakes, discs, pads and ABS
Alternators, starters, batteries, all mechanical and electrical components
Wheel bearing, suspension bushes, shock absorbers, coil springs, prop shaft, drive shaft, clutch and DMF (duel mass flywheel) replacements
Manual and automatic gearbox transmission repairs
Engine repair and injector removal
Exhaust, DPF and EGR
Timing chains and cambelt replacements
Tyres and puncture repair
Wheel refurbishment
Recovery and vehicle moving
Mobile car mechanic
Bodywork and accident repairs
Upholstery for classic cars and campers